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Emmaus Catholic Parish

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Children Enrolled in Catholic School 1st Communion preparation ONLY


with Idalia Urbano

Calendar Sep 8, 2024

This is to register for sacrament preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion for students attending a Catholic private school and is receiving faith formation through the private Catholic school. 

There are 5 required parent sacrament meetings at Emmaus, as well as an at-home, parent-led sacrament preparation program to complete. 

Please submit your child's baptism certificate as soon as possible. You may be requested to also provide a birth certificate. 

The first parent sacrament meeting will be in September 17, 2024 

1st grade Faith Formation - Sunday at 9:15am rm 102


with Idalia Urbano

Calendar Sep 8, 2024 at 9:15 am, runs for 23 weeks

Emmaus Catholic Parish is privileged to support you as you help your child grow in love and understanding of God and the richness of our Catholic faith. Thus, the options we offer for your child’s Faith Formation seek to supplement the essential work you are already doing.

Our Faith Formation Program strives to help your child grow in both knowledge and love of God and deeper awareness of the importance of community and service in the life of a Catholic.

The four pillars of the church: Creed, Liturgy / Sacraments, Christian Morality and Prayer are included in every weekly lesson.

Our in-person faith formation program will utilize the St. Mary Press Discovery Program for 1st-5th grade. Our kindergarten program will utilize Pflaum Gospel Weeklies. 

Classes will be capped at 18 children per class. 

See Elementary Faith Formation calendar for specific meetings dates and events. 

Full Course

1st grade Faith Formation - Sunday at 9:15am rm 103


with Idalia Urbano

Calendar Sep 8, 2024 at 9:15 am, runs for 21 weeks

Emmaus Catholic Parish is privileged to support you as you help your child grow in love and understanding of God and the richness of our Catholic faith. Thus, the options we offer for your child’s Faith Formation seek to supplement the essential work you are already doing.

Our Faith Formation Program strives to help your child grow in both knowledge and love of God and deeper awareness of the importance of community and service in the life of a Catholic.

The four pillars of the church: Creed, Liturgy / Sacraments, Christian Morality and Prayer are included in every weekly lesson.

Our in-person faith formation program will utilize the St. Mary Press Discovery Program for 1st-5th grade. Our kindergarten program will utilize Pflaum Gospel Weeklies. 

Classes will be capped at 18 children per class. 

See Elementary Faith Formation calendar for specific meetings dates and events. 

Full Course

2nd grade Faith Formation - Sunday at 9:15am rm 203


with Idalia Urbano

Calendar Sep 8, 2024 at 9:15 am, runs for 23 weeks

Emmaus Catholic Parish is privileged to support you as you help your child grow in love and understanding of God and the richness of our Catholic faith. Thus, the options we offer for your child’s Faith Formation seek to supplement the essential work you are already doing.

Our Faith Formation Program strives to help your child grow in both knowledge and love of God and deeper awareness of the importance of community and service in the life of a Catholic.

The four pillars of the church: Creed, Liturgy / Sacraments, Christian Morality and Prayer are included in every weekly lesson.

Our in-person faith formation program will utilize the St. Mary Press Discovery Program for 1st-5th grade. Our kindergarten program will utilize Pflaum Gospel Weeklies. 

Classes will be capped at 18 students per classroom.

See Elementary Faith Formation calendar for specific meetings dates and events. 

Will run

3rd grade Faith Formation - Sunday at 9:15am rm 204
Registration Unavailable

3rd grade Faith Formation - Sunday at 9:15am rm 204


with Idalia Urbano

Calendar Sep 8, 2024 at 9:15 am, runs for 23 weeks

Emmaus Catholic Parish is privileged to support you as you help your child grow in love and understanding of God and the richness of our Catholic faith. Thus, the options we offer for your child’s Faith Formation seek to supplement the essential work you are already doing.

Our Faith Formation Program strives to help your child grow in both knowledge and love of God and deeper awareness of the importance of community and service in the life of a Catholic.

The four pillars of the church: Creed, Liturgy / Sacraments, Christian Morality and Prayer are included in every weekly lesson.

Our in-person faith formation program will utilize the St. Mary Press Discovery Program for 1st-5th grade. Our kindergarten program will utilize Pflaum Gospel Weeklies. 

Classes will be capped at 18 students per classroom.

See Elementary Faith Formation calendar for specific meetings dates and events. 

Formación de fe elemental en Español (1st-3rd) - los domingos 11:00am-12:00pm Multi B/C


with Idalia Urbano

Calendar Sep 8, 2024 at 11 am, runs for 23 weeks

Esta sesión es una combinación de estudiantes de 2nd a 3er grado los domingos de 11:00 am a 12 pm.

* El 2º grado es el año 2 de preparación sacramental para la 1ª Comunión - es necesario que se inscriba en la clase adicional (haga clic en Sacramentos)

La Parroquia Católica de Emaús tiene el privilegio de apoyarlo mientras ayuda a su hijo a crecer en el amor y la comprensión de Dios y la riqueza de nuestra fe católica. Por lo tanto, las opciones que ofrecemos para la formación en la fe de su hijo buscan complementar el trabajo esencial que ya está haciendo.

Nuestro Programa de Formación de la Fe se esfuerza por ayudar a su hijo a crecer tanto en el conocimiento y el amor de Dios como en una conciencia más profunda de la importancia de la comunidad y el servicio en la vida de un católico.

La clase se concentra en los 4 pilares de la iglesia:

  • El Credo - lo que creemos (historia de la Biblia - Línea de tiempo)
  • Oración - cómo nos comunicamos con Dios (oraciones, devociones)
  • Sacramentos - cómo celebramos nuestra fe (fundamentos católicos)
  • Moralidad cristiana: cómo vivimos nuestra fe (vida cotidiana y servicio)

Para establecer y construir una comunidad, se recomienda la participación de la familia en lo siguiente:

  • Se requiere la asistencia de todas las clases
  • Asistir a las sesiones de padres
  • Asiste a un evento cada mes de Familia y Fe

Consulte el calendario de Formación en la fe de primaria para conocer las fechas y eventos específicos de las reuniones.



Will run

Formación de fe elemental en Español (4th-5th) - los domingos 11:00am-12:00pm rm 205


with Idalia Urbano

Calendar Sep 8, 2024 at 11 am, runs for 23 weeks

Esta sesión es una combinación de estudiantes de 4th a 5th grado los domingos de 11:00 am a 12 pm.

* El 2º grado es el año 2 de preparación sacramental para la 1ª Comunión - es necesario que se inscriba en la clase adicional (haga clic en Sacramentos)

La Parroquia Católica de Emaús tiene el privilegio de apoyarlo mientras ayuda a su hijo a crecer en el amor y la comprensión de Dios y la riqueza de nuestra fe católica. Por lo tanto, las opciones que ofrecemos para la formación en la fe de su hijo buscan complementar el trabajo esencial que ya está haciendo.

Nuestro Programa de Formación de la Fe se esfuerza por ayudar a su hijo a crecer tanto en el conocimiento y el amor de Dios como en una conciencia más profunda de la importancia de la comunidad y el servicio en la vida de un católico.

La clase se concentra en los 4 pilares de la iglesia:

  • El Credo - lo que creemos (historia de la Biblia - Línea de tiempo)
  • Oración - cómo nos comunicamos con Dios (oraciones, devociones)
  • Sacramentos - cómo celebramos nuestra fe (fundamentos católicos)
  • Moralidad cristiana: cómo vivimos nuestra fe (vida cotidiana y servicio)

Para establecer y construir una comunidad, se recomienda la participación de la familia en lo siguiente:

  • Se requiere la asistencia de todas las clases
  • Asistir a las sesiones de padres
  • Asiste a un evento cada mes de Familia y Fe

Consulte el calendario de Formación en la fe de primaria para conocer las fechas y eventos específicos de las reuniones. 

Will run

2nd grade Faith Formation - Sunday at 11:45am rm 102


with Idalia Urbano

Calendar Sep 8, 2024 at 11:45 am, runs for 23 weeks

Emmaus Catholic Parish is privileged to support you as you help your child grow in love and understanding of God and the richness of our Catholic faith. Thus, the options we offer for your child’s Faith Formation seek to supplement the essential work you are already doing.

Our Faith Formation Program strives to help your child grow in both knowledge and love of God and deeper awareness of the importance of community and service in the life of a Catholic.

The four pillars of the church: Creed, Liturgy / Sacraments, Christian Morality and Prayer are included in every weekly lesson.

Our in-person faith formation program will utilize the St. Mary Press Discovery Program for 1st-5th grade. Our kindergarten program will utilize Pflaum Gospel Weeklies. 

Classes will be capped at 18 students per classroom.

See Elementary Faith Formation calendar for specific meetings dates and events. 

Will run

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